The people in Laish thought they had it all, because they were living in abundance. They were well secured and safe and the land was good. As a result, they separated themselves from people and had no relationship with anyone. Recently when fire started in one of our neighbor’s house, it was the fire extinguishers in our homes that extinguished the fire. Everyone was willing to use their extinguishers. The Laish had possessed the land so they relaxed in terms of security.

Sometimes we do behave like that, thinking that we are now alright, we have arrived. We have married, we now have children. We need to continue praying for continuous success. Lessons drawn from this incident is for us to be careful and protect what we possess or receive from the Lord. One day we have to give an account. The world is becoming smaller and smaller and there is the need to network and support each other. No man is an Island surrounded by water but by humans. Not only humans but organizations and institutions must never relax and stand aloof. The Laish town was destroyed and burnt because they were considered as ‘unsuspecting people’.

In the end they lost their lives and the town was burnt. Unfortunately the Danites who possessed the town and ought to know better never made good use of their possession. That is the other serious danger we must avoid. They worshipped Idols.

Thanks be to God that in terms of security we are safe in Christ and not in material possession. Apostle Fianko Larbi states that: ‘Our psychological security is in what Christ has done. He has made us and never in our status in this material world or our possessions.’ That security is never destroyed or fails. Judges 18

God bless you for reading.

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